FH Admin

Page 48

2015-04-28 VFF welcome farmer health funding - Victorian Farmers...
VICTORIA’S peak farming body has today welcomed the Andrews Labor government’s commitment to save the National Centre for Farmer Health. “The...
April 28, 2015
2015-04-16 Half of Australia's farm workers exposed to dangerous...
A study reported in the April 2015 issue of the Australian Journal of Rural Health (AJRH) has found that 51 per cent of the nation’s farm workers are...
April 21, 2015
2015-04-18: 'Protecting yourself on-farm' - Stock & Land
Protecting yourself on-farm A SERIES of safety workshops will show farmers how to protect the most important asset on-farm – themselves. The National...
April 19, 2015
2015-04-15 Improving farmer health and wellbeing - On The Land (The...
The vision at National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH) is to “make a difference to farmers’ lives”. A key service in achieving this vision is through the...
April 17, 2015
HMF702 scholarships 2015
HMF702 Healthy and Sustainable Agricultural Communities 13th July 2015 – 2nd October 2015 Scholarship Applications close May 22nd, 2015 PLEASE NOTE...
April 14, 2015
Our big thanks to Western District Ball Committee Anna Brown and...
Exciting times for the National Centre for Farmer Health with a very generous cheque being presented by members of the Western District Ball Committee Anna...
April 10, 2015
Soup with leek & parsnips
Prep time: 15 mins Cook time: 30 mins Serves: 6 Ingredients: 1 large leek – sliced 3 parsnips – diced 1 large carrot – diced 2 zucchinis...
April 9, 2015
Applecake - Paul's 'Gran’s' recipe
Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 15 – 20 mins Serves: 4 Ingredients: • 100g Olive oil margarine • 1/2 cup to 3/4 a cup of sugar • 1 egg…
April 9, 2015
Casserole with beef and vegetables
Prep time: 30 mins Cook time: 2 hours Serves: 4-6 Ingredients • 500g steak (chuck, rump or casserole) • 2 potatoes • 1 large carrot or 2 small carrots...
April 9, 2015
Pie - filo spinach and ricotta
Prep time: 20 mins Cook time: I hour Ingredients 1 kilo ricotta cheese (strain off fluid) 1½ packets frozen spinach (rinsed and squeezed to remove moisture) 2...
April 9, 2015
Pickled onions - Granny B's recipe
Prep time: 1/2 hour Cook time: 14 hours Serves: Mixed Ingredients: 1/2 cup iodized salt 2.25 litres water 1.5 kilograms pickling onions 4 tablespoons brown...
April 8, 2015
Hommus dip
Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: nil Serves: many Ingredients: 1 large can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed with water. 2-3 cloves garlic squeeze of lemon...
April 8, 2015