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Farmer Health E-News - September 2015
Find out what has kept us busy this past month at NCFH! Download the PDF version here
September 24, 2015
2015-09-11 - Episode Farmer Health - 5 Day Intensive - 20Twenty...
2015-09-11 – Episode Farmer Health – 5 Day Intensive – 20Twenty Vision Christian Radio Episode Farmer Health – 5 Day Intensive, Dr...
September 12, 2015
2015-09-03 Five Days to Save Farmers Lives
Five days to save farmers lives Agricultural Health & Medicine course attracts rural professionals Now entering its seventh year, Australia’s only...
September 3, 2015
Higher social distress and lower psycho-social wellbeing: examining...
The objectives of this paper are as follows: (1) propose an explanatory model as to how hearing disability may impact on health and (2) examine the model’s...
August 18, 2015
Farmers' work‐day noise exposure
This study aims to understand the extent of farmers’ exposure to hazardous noise, and trial and test the ability of an on‐farm noise audit report to...
August 18, 2015
Special health needs of Australian farmers
The physical and mental health requirements of the farming workforce present unique challenges to pharmacists practicing in these communities.
August 18, 2015
Farmers sun exposure, skin protection and public health campaigns: An...
This review explores the quantitative data about Australian farmers and their skin protective behaviours. We investigate what the documented measurable effect...
August 18, 2015
Cholinesterase Research Outreach Project (CROP): measuring...
Australian farmers and their workers are exposed to a wide variety of pesticides. Organophosphate (OP) insecticides are a widely used class of pesticide used...
August 18, 2015
Farmer Health News
See all the latest happenings at Farmer Health NCFH Newsletter July 2015
July 8, 2015
A call for Volunteers for new Fitter Farmers study
Improving Farmer Health: A Call for Volunteers for New Study Fitter Farmers? A comparison of physical activity levels in agricultural, regional and urban...
July 8, 2015