Armstrong, Karen A community development approach to establishing community based strength training in isolated rural areas
Benton, Kam Childress tractors: improving farming safety for school aged children
Berghofer, Erin Wholegrain foods and legumes in health and nutrition
Boyd, Cindy Sustainable Farm Families: an a(cute) perspective on becoming proactive in improving the health, wellbeing and safety of our farming community
Brown, Joanne Pass the parcel
Brumby, Susan Dry, drier, drought? Wet, wetter or whatever? Farmer responses to climate
Butler, Martin Community development, social care initiatives within a rural narrative framework
Champness, David The interaction between animal and human health and welfare
Chimes, Lauren Primary healthcare reaching the rural and remote communities
Clarke, Ann Kicking the dust: the past, present and future of young farmers in SA
Davis-Lamelois, Nathalie Chronic disease risk factors in rural areas: GGT risk factor study
Depczynski, Julie Evidence on the effectiveness of health screening at the 2009 Ag Quip Field Day
Donham, Kelley MRSA, MRSA, MRSA An emerging infectious epidemic in people from livestock?
Dowling, Jane ‘The only problem with alcohol is not having enough’: substance abuse and rural workplace culture
Doxey, Grant A holistic approach to farmer health: responding to psycho-social needs identified by Rural Financial Counsellors
Foran, Kelly Friendly Faces Helping Hands
Gow, Andrew Farm family health and landscape health: a health impact assessment
Grenfell, Rob (Natora, Aleksandra) Development of a new Victorian Injury Prevention Strategy and what it will mean for farming communities in Victoria
Harris, Rita A very different fire: the health, wealth and mental effects of the 2009 bushfires
Hill, Naomi Life on the farm following disability, injury or illness – how an Occupational Therapist can help
Hogan, Anthony Social perspectives on farmer suicide CC and rural health in Australia
Huggins, Catherine (Kate) Pilot study assessing sodium and potassium intakes in Australian farm families
Jeffery, Paul Comparing salt and potassium intake between Victorian farm families and capital city residents
Kennedy, Alison The Alcohol Intervention Training Program: reducing alcohol misuse in the farming community
Kilpatrick, Sue I feel like I’m dancing on the Titanic – managing the stress of farming in difficult times
Long, Gretchen Shake the blues
Lower, Anthony Improving safety of young and inexperienced farm workers
Lower, Anthony Australian farmers: a high risk population for rural health
Lundqvist, Peter and Alwall, Catharina Occupational health and safety strategy in Swedish agriculture
Malone, Damien Men’s Out and About – Living in rural Residential Aged Care Facilities
Mather, Robyn A look at the psychological impact of an exotic disease outbreak : Equine Influenza
McCoombe, Scott If you don’t know what you are looking for, you are never going to find it
McLaren, Dorothy Identifying and reducing the socio-economic cost of travelling for health care
McLeish, Megan Care as usual – the value of psychosocial care in optimal chronic disease management in a rural hospital admission risk program
McShane, Connar Farming struggles and triumphs: recommendations from farming families
Miller, Peter A review of rural and regional alcohol research in Australia
Neil, Andrew Dental health and rural communities
Nilvarangkul, Kessarawan Self-reporting of illness and accidents among sugarcane farmers in Northeastern Thailand
O’Brien, Jeanette From dust to dirt: but our wells are still dry
Rendell, David Successful training program that is preventing farmer injuries whilst injecting livestock
Rowe, Rosie Climate change adaptation: a framework for local action
Seiler, Karen Cultivating stronger, connected communities in trying times
Simkin, Hannah Farming fit? Depression and obesity in farm men and women
Smith, Erica Hearing Loss and farming. What to do about it
Stinton, Jayne “I love to have a beer, cause Duncan’s me mate”
Taylor, Anne Electrical Safety for Farmers
Wallace, Robyn Preventing vision loss in rural communities
Willder, Stuart How safe is your prostate? Agricultural chemical use and the risk of prostate
Williams, Ruth Having a field day: Linking rural communities to better health
