Safety centre

Farm safety – harvest health
It's crucial that all machinery is checked regularly to ensure a smooth and timely harvest. But simply mending the header and servicing the tractor won’t cut...
October 2, 2017
Skin cancer – risks and early signs
Farming men and women and agricultural workers spend a lot of time working outdoors. Without appropriate protection they can be increasing their risk of skin...
March 21, 2017
Locust sprays – advice for farmer & health workers
Use of chemicals for the management of Australian plague Locust can present risks to farmers. Prior to using any pesticide, check the relevant labels, any...
June 23, 2015
Tinea is a highly-contagious fungal skin infection that affects the feet (athletes foot), groin (jock itch), scalp, skin underneath the breasts, fingernails...
August 1, 2014
Farmers footwear
As farmers you spend a majority of your life on your feet so it’s important that we do what we can to look after them. The best way that you can take care of...
August 1, 2014
Falls prevention on farms
Falls are one of the most common causes of death and injury on farms, especially among older farmers.
March 21, 2014
Child safety on farms
Children who live on farms are more likely to be injured or killed on the farm than their parents or other farm workers. Around 20 children under the age of 15...
March 21, 2014
Water – make it safe to drink
Drinking water from rain tanks, bores and even dams is great when you know the water is safe. However, sometimes prolonged dry periods, contamination from...
March 21, 2014
Water tanks and dams – safety tips
Water tanks, dams and channels on farms are an essential source of water for drinking, livestock and irrigation needs. However they can pose serious risks....
March 21, 2014
Greywater recycling
Greywater can be used to supplement your farm’s water supply. In the home, it can be used for laundry and toilet flushing. Outside of the home, greywater can...
March 21, 2014
Workshop safety
Workshops are essential on a farm but they need to be safe places to work. It is essential to identify any potential hazards and remove the risk. Making the...
March 21, 2014
Tractor safety
Tractors are generally quite safe to use if operated correctly and fitted with rollover protection structures (ROPS). However, tractors remain the most common...
March 21, 2014