Children who live on farms are more likely to be injured or killed on the farm than their parents or other farm workers. Over the last ten years, 15% of all deaths on farms in Australia were children under 15 years of age(1). Water bodies (particularly for children under five), quad bikes, tractors, farm utes, motorbikes and horses are the main hazards responsible for these deaths.
What can you do on your farm to help keep children safe:
- Providing a safe play area (eg. fencing part of the yard close to the house) for your child ensures they are kept away from farm dangers.
- Active supervision
- Older children can be taught about farm safety, but still need to be supervised at all times. Ensuring they are performing developmentally appropriate tasks is important.
- Most importantly, children learn by imitation. If you practice and value farm safety, so will your child.
Fast facts:
- Children who live on farms have a higher risk of injury or death than other children.
- Teach your children about safety from a young age.
- Talk to your child frequently about the safety rules of the farm.
- Provide fenced play areas for young children.
- Supervise older children when they work on the farm.
References used for this topic page
- FarmSafe Australia Child Safety on Farms
More information:
Child Safety on Farms: A Practical Guide for Farming Parents [PDF]
Worksafe Victoria
Farm safety risks for children
FarmSafe Australia
Child Safety on Farms
KidSafe NSW
Kids on Farms – Tips to help keep kids safe on farms
Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne
Farm safety [PDF]
Research & reviews:
Australian Journal of Rural Health
Protecting the future: Fatal incidents on Australian farms involving children (2001-2019)
Australian Centre for Agricultural Health and Safety
Child care for Australian farming families [PDF 563kb]