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Scabies is caused by small mites (Sarcoptes scabiei) that penetrate into the skin. These mites are too small to see, but cause the skin to become very itchy...
March 20, 2017
Dermatitis (eczema)
Dermatitis (also called eczema) is a skin condition which is common among farmers. This type of dermatitis can be referred to as occupational contact...
March 20, 2017
Relationships and communication
Relationships grow on communication. Like everything else on the farm, they suffer when neglected. All relationships require effort, whether it’s personal...
March 20, 2017
Farm succession planning
Succession planning for farmers can be difficult and at times stressful, but it’s important and must be addressed. It is best to get it all planned early....
March 20, 2017
Farm business planning
Farmers need to plan to make sure their farm business will continue to support them through good times and bad. Planning should take into account worst case...
March 20, 2017
Parsnip rash
Parsnip rash, also called phytophotodermatitis (PPD), is a skin condition caused by contact with some plants, including parsnip and wild parsnip (or giant...
March 20, 2017
2017-03-15: Miranda: Find out what farm women really want - The...
by GENEVIEVE BARLOW I HAVE always been a supporter of the Victorian Women on Farms Gathering. This event, held every two years, traditionally closes with the...
March 16, 2017
2017-01-30: ABC Mental Health interview with Tom Dawkins
Discussing rural mental health initiatives ‘Look Over The Farm Gate’ and ‘The Ripple Effect’ on ABC South East SA radio. Listen...
March 16, 2017
2017-03-11: NCFH inspires interest from Indonesia - The Hamilton...
March 11, 2017
2017-03-10: Farmers welcome health program - The Border Watch
March 10, 2017
2017-02-28: Beyond Silence - The Hamilton Spectator
March 7, 2017
Farmer Health eNews March 2017
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Looking forward to seeing you back at Wimmera Machinery Field Days 7-9th March 2017 Site...
March 1, 2017