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Page 22

2020-08-18: Rural snapshot competition - Stock and Land
Express yourself with photos, videos, poetry, a tune or even a meme in the #SnapshotRuralVic competition run by the National Centre for Farmer Health. Snapshot...
August 18, 2020
The Ripple Effect: A digital intervention to reduce suicide stigma...
Compared with the general population, Australian farmers—particularly men—have been identified as at greater risk of suicide. A complex range of factors...
August 17, 2020
Suicide in Rural Australia: Are Farming-Related Suicides Different?
Rural Australians experience a range of health inequities—including higher rates of suicide—when compared to the general population. This retrospective...
August 12, 2020
Research Engagement Changes Attitudes and Behaviours towards...
There is limited research that evaluates the effect of farmer involvement in agrichemical exposure surveillance on their attitudes and behaviour towards...
August 11, 2020
Organophosphate exposure and the chronic effects on farmers: a...
Organophosphates are a class of insecticides used globally by the agricultural industry for insect control. Acute consequences of organophosphate exposures are...
August 10, 2020
2020-07-20: Focus On Education Programs To Help Make Farms Safer -...
Two new educational programs supported by the Victorian Government will be rolled out for rural and regional school students to start changing attitudes...
July 20, 2020
Mallee Sustainable Farming Podcast 4 - Looking after your most...
Description: In this episode we’re talking about Child Safety on Farms! Welcome to our episode guest speaker, Jacquie Cotton (National Centre for Farmer...
July 6, 2020
Farmer Health eNews July 2020
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Online Ag Health Project – get involved! Looking after your most important farm asset...
July 1, 2020
Mallee Sustainable Farming Podcast 3 – Why PPE is so important in...
Description LOOKING AFTER YOUR MOST IMPORTANT FARM ASSET – New Podcast Episode out now! We’re shining a light on PPE and why it is SO important...
June 28, 2020
Mallee Sustainable Farming Podcast – The things you need to know...
Description Looking after your most important farm asset podcast series MSF are proudly partnering with the National Centre for Farmer Health on this Podcast...
June 22, 2020
Mallee Sustainable Farming Podcast - Health Planning with Morna...
Description LOOKING AFTER YOUR MOST IMPORTANT FARM ASSET SERIES We have teamed up with the National Centre for Farmer Health on this MSF Farm Talk Podcast...
June 16, 2020
Farmer Health eNews June 2020
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Men’s Health Week 2020 Healthy and Sustainable Agricultural Communities (HMF702) unit...
June 2, 2020