FH Admin

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2020-11-23: Research looks at early suicide triggers - Farm Weekly
by Bree Swift RESEARCH to develop more targeted suicide prevention strategies for farmers is being undertaken by the National Centre for Farmer Health. AgSPACE...
December 1, 2020
Ideas to help manage the holiday and harvest season
In what has already been a challenging few years, we are approaching a season predicted to challenge us all even further. Managing the ‘end of year rush’,...
November 30, 2020
Learn where you live - Agricultural Health and Medicine goes online...
For the first time in twelve years Australia’s only postgraduate agricultural health and medicine unit is going online for 2021. This internationally...
November 19, 2020
Farmer Health eNews November 2020
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Ag Health and Medicine goes ONLINE in 2021! Gear Up for Ag Health and Safety Programs...
November 2, 2020
Women's Health Week - catch up with Jodie Leske
Jodie Leske is a mum, business owner and farmer living in the Western District of Victoria, 259 kilometres west of Melbourne. Like many women on the land,...
October 14, 2020
2020-10-06: Rural life in the spotlight - Sentinel Times
Greg Beal captured this photo of South Gippsland for the #SnapshotRuralVic campaign. #SNAPSHOTRURALVIC, an initiative of the National Centre for Farmer Health,...
October 6, 2020
Farmers, Suicide Literacy and Suicide Stigma - The Ripple Effect
Background: Globally many farming populations have been identified as having higher rates of suicide, in comparison to those living in metropolitan, rural and...
October 1, 2020
Farmer Health eNews October 2020
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Are you our next Scholarship recipient? HMF701 Scholarships are now OPEN! National Centre...
October 1, 2020
Directors Blog – Hearten up! Heart health matters
by Dr Susan BrumbyTwitter: @brumby_susan Your heart is an amazing pump. Weighing in at 300 grams it  pumps 6500 – 7000 litres per day[1]. Every day...
September 22, 2020
Does 20-Minute Rounding Reduce Falls in an Aged-Care Setting? A Pilot...
Highlights The study investigated if 20-min rounding reduced falls in aged-care facilities. Overall, falls were reduced for residents of the aged-care...
September 19, 2020
2020|09|08: Free telehealth consultation for farmers - The South...
Farmers are working harder than every during this pandemic to continue to produce the quality food and fibre that we all depend on... it's so important that we...
September 10, 2020
Farmer Health eNews September 2020
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Online Events in September Cuppa with the Women of the NCFH to celebrate Women’s...
September 8, 2020