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Farming and fishing 'safety' is not a set of rules, it's a...
This topic will be discussed as part of our online bonfire on June 9th, “Strengthening Your Support Team: Farming and Fishing Safety Consultants.” As a...
June 2, 2021
Farmer Health eNews June 2021
Find out the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Healthy and Sustainable Agricultural Communities (HMF702) Scholarship Applications are EXTENDED:...
June 2, 2021
Mental health in the commercial fishing industry: Modern uncertainties...
Abstract Commercial fishers face a range of stressors that impact physical and mental health. However, there is limited research on the level of mental...
May 25, 2021
How do you convince your farming family to plan for a future under...
This topic will be discussed as part of our online bonfire on May 26, “Making your business more resilient to environmental extremes.” Jack* may be a young...
May 24, 2021
Campfire Podcast Episode 1: Working Effectively in a Family Business
This topic will be discussed as part of our online bonfire on May 19, “Working Effectively in a Family Business.” Victorian primary producers represent a...
May 17, 2021
So, you’ve got some big ideas for the farm – but how do you get...
This topic will be discussed as part of our online bonfire on May 19, “Working Effectively in a Family Business.” Every harvest, Rebecca* tells herself...
May 13, 2021
MEDIA RELEASE: Campfire – Connecting primary producers to prevent...
It’s well known that farmers and fishers face a range of work-related challenges that put them at risk of poor mental health and suicide. While there has...
May 13, 2021
Farmer Health eNews May 2021
Find out the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Healthy and Sustainable Agricultural Communities (HMF702) Scholarship Applications are NOW OPEN!...
May 3, 2021
Why exercise is important
As a farmer you will know that work never ends. Up at dawn and asleep later than most. Farming has always been considered one of the most physically demanding...
April 28, 2021
Translating Co-Design from Face-to-Face to Online: An Australian...
Abstract Primary producers face considerable risks for poor mental health. While this population can be difficult to engage in programs to prevent poor mental...
April 14, 2021
Farmer Health eNews April 2021
Find out the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Campfire is set to launch in May and we need your help to ignite it! Steering Straight: My...
April 1, 2021
Farmer Health eNews March 2021
Find out the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health We are looking for people to pilot test Steering Straight: My Plan to Keep on Track Our AgriSafe...
March 1, 2021