News and Media

Page 46

Agricultural Health and Medicine 2014
Our fifth year offering Agricultural Health and Medicine to students from all around the country, and again we welcome the next generation of rural and...
March 3, 2014
VFF sets rural agenda for 2014 State Election
The VFF is calling for $500,000 to fund the National Centre for Farmer Health Media Release no longer available.
January 13, 2014
CWA Support for National Centre
Members of the local Country Women’s Association (CWA) have raised $500 to show their support for the National Centre for Farmers Health (NCFH). The vibrant...
January 11, 2014
2014 International Year of Family Farming
National Farmers’ Federation (Source: The Rural) The National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) and its members have hailed the start of the new year,...
January 1, 2014
In search of farmers ...
Have you lost someone close to you through suicide, accidental death, homicide or a death by unknown cause or intent? Are you an adult member of a farming...
December 12, 2013
Support farmer health - NCFH continues ...
The National Centre for Farmer Health continues to lobby the Victorian and Federal Governments
December 3, 2013
Support farmer health - NCFH continues to battle for core funding to...
The National Centre for Farmer Health continues to lobby the Victorian and Federal Governments for core funding to survive and continue its important work to...
September 27, 2013