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2017-01-30: Live Rural to help with farmers’ study - The Ararat...
Applications have opened for the next round of Live Rural study scholarships following the 2016 Mellow in the Yellow fundraiser at Tatyoon. The program will...
January 30, 2017
2017-01-18: Seeds sown for new crop of agri-health professionals -...
Australia’s only postgraduate agricultural health and medicine unit for professionals servicing farming communities is attracting participants from across...
January 18, 2017
2017-01-01: Rural prosperity: Delivering the milk of humane kindness...
by SUE NEALES Reporter – Rural/Regional Affairs It often takes a crisis to catalyse major change. For Gippsland’s Sallie Jones and Steve Ronalds, it...
January 17, 2017
2017-01-16: Seminars for Murraylands and Mallee farmers - The Murray...
Livestock feeding and supplementing is the topic of a sheep and beef seminar to be held in Tailem Bend in February. Hosted by Advantage Feeders, Lienert...
January 16, 2017
Farmer Health eNews January 2017
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health 2017 HMF701 Agricultural Health & Medicine ENROLMENTS OPEN! Farmers… You would...
January 1, 2017
2016-12-16: Opening up the conversation about rural suicide -...
By Alison Kennedy Every person in a rural farming community knows someone who has taken their life. Many more have attempted suicide or had thoughts of taking...
December 20, 2016
2016-12-12: The Ripple Effect: Helping farming communities deal with...
BY KAREN PERCY Jack and Betty Kenna know first hand that there is nothing more painful than watching a child suffer from mental illness. Their 23-year-old...
December 12, 2016
2016-12-11: ABC TV news looks at Farmer Suicide in Australia
Published on Dec 11, 2016 Meet four Victorians who are doing what they can to beat farmer suicide. It’s estimated that farmers commit suicide at twice...
December 11, 2016
2016-12-1: The Ripple Effect of farmer suicide - The Wire
The Ripple Effect is a website launched earlier this year that asks people affected by suicide in rural communities to share their stories. The website aims...
December 1, 2016
Farmer Health eNews December 2016
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Make health your #1 priority in 2017! 2017 HMF701 Agricultural Health & Medicine –...
December 1, 2016
2016-11-24: The Ripple Effect: Researchers look into impacts of...
By Samantha Dawes People from farming communities affected by suicide are being asked to complete an in-depth survey to help researchers better understand the...
November 24, 2016
Farmer Health eNews November 2016
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Wellness Wednesday Topics 2017 HMF701 Agricultural Health & Medicine – Scholarships...
October 31, 2016