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From co-design to co-production: Approaches, enablers, and...
Investigating how co-designed knowledge can be translated to co-produce a public health capacity-building solution for difficult-to-engage population groups...
October 20, 2022
Participant perspectives of an online co-design process to develop a...
Using an online co-design method to develop a preventative mental health and well-being web-based platform for primary producers was novel.
September 16, 2022
Child farm-related injuries - the unique challenges of the farming...
In Australia, the agricultural industry experiences the highest fatality rate per number of workers. The blurred division between the farm as a workplace and...
March 18, 2022
Co-designing the translation of research into practice to support...
Australian agriculture is vulnerable to an ageing and deceasing workforce, increasing technological demands, global markets, climate change and uncertainty.
March 18, 2022
So did I pass the assessment? Following farm safety checklists to...
Farmers are responsible for workplace safety which includes family, employees, contactors, visitors and themselves. Tragically farming injuries, illness and...
March 18, 2022
High-Heat Days and Presentations to Emergency Departments in Regional...
This retrospective cohort study aimed to determine if Emergency Department (ED) presentations across the south-west region of Victoria, Australia, increased on...
February 15, 2022
Mental health at the COVID-19 frontline: An assessment of distress,...
An assessment of distress, fear, and coping among staff and attendees at screening clinics of rural/regional settings of Victoria, Australia.
December 15, 2021
Rural suicide risk and physical ill health: A qualitative study of...
Abstract Objective To gain new insight into contextual factors shaping how physical ill health acts as a stressor in rural suicides—informing the development...
November 9, 2021
Panel Discussion Series | The Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental...
Learn how the findings of the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System will impact farming communities.
July 29, 2021
Self-management of diabetes and associated comorbidities in rural and...
Abstract Chronic health conditions are more prevalent in rural and remote areas than in metropolitan areas; living in rural and remote areas may present...
July 29, 2021