Quad bikes, sometimes called four-wheeler bikes are not safe for use on all terrains. These vehicles can be unstable and have been involved in a number of farm injuries and deaths, mostly as a result of roll-over situations.
Always follow manufacturer’s instructions for vehicle use, wear a helmet and protective clothing when riding and ride in a responsible manner. Never allow children to play on or ride quad bikes. It is recommended that all quad bikes have an operator protective device (OPD) fitted.
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Fast facts:
- Quad bikes or ATVs are one of the most common cause of death on Australian farms.
- Prevent accidents by ensuring all riders are trained and follow safety precautions.
- Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines if you carry extra loads like sprays, as they can affect the balance and stability of your bike.
- Consider a properly fitted rollover protection structure.
- Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times when riding a quad bike.
References used for this topic
More information:
Farmsafe Australia
Safe use of Quads and Side by Side Vehicles on Australian Farms
Worksafe NT
Quad bikes – a handbook for workplaces (2018) [PDF 670kb]
WorkSafe Victoria
Quad bike Safety App
Quad bike risk assessment
Quadbikes – Reducing the risks
National Farmers Federation
Mythbuster: Crush Protection Devices [PDF]
Research & reviews:
British Medical Journal (BMJ)
Impact of helmets on injuries to riders of all-terrain vehicles [PDF]
Medical Journal of Australia
Quad bike related injury in Victoria, Australia (2013)
The increasing problem of motorcycle injuries in children and adolescents 2008
Traffic Injury Prevention
Injury mechanisms in fatal Australian quad bike incidents (2016)