Atcheson, Mark Improving Health in Agricultural Communities
Auckland, Stuart and Gleeson, Maree Innovative Partnerships for Improved farmer Health in North west Tasmania
Blenkiron, Kim Partners in Grain: Building women’s capacity for farm and rural resilience
Botha, Neels and White, Toni Burnout Among NZ Dairy Farmers: Results From Two Studies
Botha, Neels and White, Toni NZ dairy farmer stress
Broom, Michelle What’s to Gain from Grains and Legumes?
Calvano, Adrian Health status and behaviours of Australian farming men
Carroll, Matthew Older People and Heat: Learning From the Adaptations of an Older Farming Community
Chandrasekara, Ananda Reduction of psychological distress and obesity by increasing physical activity; The ‘Farming Fit’ study
Condon, Sharon Care Farming: Enhancing farmer resilience and community connection
Graymore, Michelle The Role of Local Governments in Behaviour Change for Farming Community’s Health and Wellbeing
Hallinan, Christine An evaluation of the impact of practice nurse (PN) Pap testing initiatives on cervical screening in Grampians general practices
Henrike Milne, Active Farming study: Arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions
Hossain, Delwar Assessing the mental health issues of climate variability affecting rural and remote communities in Southern region of Queensland
Laurie, Sarah Waubra Foundation
Luckock, Georgina Farming in the Green, Red, Black and … the Doghouse!
Matthews, Liana Taking Stock: Sowing the seeds for health professionals
Mason, Heidi ‘Careful – they can’t hear you’
McDonald, Gavin Audit of rural rheumatology services in Victoria
Muir, James Sowing and reaping responsive change in hospital processes: Making the patient journey easier for farming families
Newell, Mark Health in Saleyards: Bringing the health professional to the farmer
Taylor, Anne Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy in Agriculture
Walker, Coralanne Community response to eliminating suicide
Ward, Sue Noise does destroy