Our Publications

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Translating Co-Design from Face-to-Face to Online: An Australian Primary Producer Project Conducted during COVID-19
Abstract Primary producers face considerable risks for poor mental health. While this population can be difficult to engage in programs to prevent poor mental...
April 14, 2021
A comparison of farming and non‐farming related suicides from the United States’ National Violent Deaths Reporting System, 2003–2016
Farmers are at higher risk of suicide than other occupations and the general population. The complex suicide risk factors have not been examined in a large,...
January 18, 2021
Farmers, Suicide Literacy and Suicide Stigma - The Ripple Effect
Background: Globally many farming populations have been identified as having higher rates of suicide, in comparison to those living in metropolitan, rural and...
October 1, 2020
Does 20-Minute Rounding Reduce Falls in an Aged-Care Setting? A Pilot Intervention Study.
Highlights The study investigated if 20-min rounding reduced falls in aged-care facilities. Overall, falls were reduced for residents of the aged-care...
September 19, 2020
Agricultural health and medicine education—Engaging rural professionals to make a difference to farmers' lives
Despite continued higher rates of workplace injuries, earlier morbidity and mortality and challenging climatic environments, few formal programs focus on the...
August 18, 2020
The Ripple Effect: A digital intervention to reduce suicide stigma among farming men
Compared with the general population, Australian farmers—particularly men—have been identified as at greater risk of suicide. A complex range of factors...
August 17, 2020
Suicide in Rural Australia: Are Farming-Related Suicides Different?
Rural Australians experience a range of health inequities—including higher rates of suicide—when compared to the general population. This retrospective...
August 12, 2020
Research Engagement Changes Attitudes and Behaviours towards Agrichemical Safety in Australian Farmers
There is limited research that evaluates the effect of farmer involvement in agrichemical exposure surveillance on their attitudes and behaviour towards...
August 11, 2020
Organophosphate exposure and the chronic effects on farmers: a narrative review
Organophosphates are a class of insecticides used globally by the agricultural industry for insect control. Acute consequences of organophosphate exposures are...
August 10, 2020
Sustainable Fishing Families: Developing industry human capital through health, wellbeing, safety and resilience
An industry is only as healthy and sustainable as its members. In recent years, concern for thehealth, safety and wellbeing of the professional wild-catch...
December 19, 2019
Measure to manage: Using cholinesterase assessment to monitor agrichemical exposure in Victorian farmers
Aim: As an occupation, farming is not one that regularly monitors blood cholinesterase (ChE) compared to other occupations such as commercial agrichemical...
September 20, 2019
A Pest to Mental Health? Exploring the Link between Exposure to Agrichemicals in Farmers and Mental Health
The current literature acknowledges that occupational exposures can adversely affect mental health. This review seeks to elucidate the current understanding of...
August 18, 2019