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Farmer Health eNews October 2020
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Are you our next Scholarship recipient? HMF701 Scholarships are now OPEN! National Centre...
October 1, 2020
2020|09|08: Free telehealth consultation for farmers - The South...
Farmers are working harder than every during this pandemic to continue to produce the quality food and fibre that we all depend on... it's so important that we...
September 10, 2020
Farmer Health eNews September 2020
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health Online Events in September Cuppa with the Women of the NCFH to celebrate Women’s...
September 8, 2020
Directors Blog – Farmer Health Matters: Heads up with mask wearing
A recent paper indicated that whilst handwashing and social distancing are appropriate, they are insufficient to provide protection from virus-carrying...
September 1, 2020
Farmer Health eNews August 2020
Find out all the latest from the National Centre for Farmer Health #SnapshotRuralVic – get involved! Farm Safety Week wrap up New Working Group expressions...
September 1, 2020
2020-06-15: Working together with a shared understanding: growing...
Image: National Centre for Farmer Health RNs Jeanne van De Geest Dekker and Carolyn Alkemade showcasing a health passport at a rural field day. Despite...
September 1, 2020
Looking after your most important asset, your mind - Podcast: Safe Ag...
Eight Australians die every day by suicide. 75% of these people are male and people in rural populations are 2 times more likely to die by...
September 1, 2020
2020-07-20: Farmer health is better with specialist Ag health and...
New research shows Australian farming communities enjoy better health outcomes when university health graduates understand the specific challenges faced by...
September 1, 2020
Mallee Sustainable Farming Podcast 4 – Child Safety on farm
LOOKING AFTER YOUR MOST IMPORTANT FARM ASSET – New Podcast Episode out now! We’re shining a light on PPE and why it is SO important in your day...
September 1, 2020
Directors Blog – Farmer Health Matters and Farm Safety Week
by Dr Susan BrumbyTwitter: @brumby_susan Across Australia 27% of all workplace fatalities occur in the agriculture, forestry and fishing industries and yet...
September 1, 2020
2020-08-27: National Centre for Farmer Health: Social media campaign...
Poster boy: Dougal and Bo taking it easy after a long day tree planting. Picture: Prue McAllister Article: Bethany Griffiths A SOCIAL media campaign is hoping...
August 28, 2020
2020-08-21: Lockdown's upshot for bush health - Farm Weekly
by Shan Goodwin FOR all the challenges lockdowns have delivered, one of the upshots has been those in the bush now have access to more mental health and...
August 21, 2020