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2013-09-02 ABC Bush Telegraph – Mental health issues affecting...
ABC Bush Telegraph – Mental health issues affecting farmers (Audio MP3) – Bush Telegraph   (Source)
March 24, 2014
2013-09-02 Farmers break culture of silence to talk about mental...
Farmers break culture of silence to talk about mental health issues (Source ABC News)
March 24, 2014
2013-11-06 VFF backs funding call for National Centre for Farmer...
(Link no longer available) VFF backs funding call for National Centre for Farmer Health (Source: Victorian Farmers Federation)
March 24, 2014
2013-11-07 Call for National Centre for Farmer Health funding –...
Call for National Centre for Farmer Health funding (Source: Stock & Land)
March 24, 2014
2013-11-20 Farmer health research in jeopardy – Stock & Land
Farmer health research in jeopardy (Source: Stock & Land)
March 24, 2014
2013-11-22 VFF backs farmer health centre – Weekly Times
VFF backs farmer health centre (Source: Weekly Times)
March 24, 2014
2013-11-27 Vital checks and balances – Weekly Times
Vital checks and balances (Source: Weekly Times)
March 24, 2014
2013-12-11 Bereavement experiences – Stock and Land
Bereavement experiences (Source: Stock and Land)
March 24, 2014
2013-12-14 Renewed hopes for farmer health centre – The Spectator
Renewed hopes for farmer health centre – Hamilton Spectator
March 24, 2014
2013-12-17 Push for farmer health support – Weekly Times
Push for farmer health support (Source: Weekly Times)
March 24, 2014
2013-11-19 International suicide research grant awarded to NCFH PhD...
Alison Kennedy, a University of New England PhD student based at the National Centre for Farmer Health, has been awarded the inaugural ‘Seeking...
March 24, 2014
2014-01-10 VFF Weekly Update – VFF
VFF Weekly update – Election 2014: VFF sets agenda
March 24, 2014