Event East Gippsland Field Days - Health & Lifestyle Assessment
Our farmer Health and Lifestyle Assessments are a 20-minute health assessment and include a lifestyle survey covering health behaviours, farm practices and...
April 26, 2019
Event 23rd International Union of Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)...
Susan Brumby presenting: iFarmWell Project https://farmerhealth.org.au/ifarmwell Sustainable Farm Families across the globe – actions speak louder than...
April 7, 2019
Event Farm World Lardner Park – Health & Lifestyle Assessments
Thanks to Agriculture Victoria we will be offering our farmer Health and Lifestyle Assessments. Our 20-minute health assessment includes a lifestyle survey...
April 11, 2019
Event Ag Victoria 'Managing the Autumn'
Jeanne Dekker presenting at Ag Victoria ‘Managing the Autumn’ series Workshop on Managing Tough Times.
March 28, 2019
Event Ag Victoria 'Managing the Autumn'
Jeanne Dekker presenting at Ag Victoria ‘Managing the Autumn’ series Workshop on Managing Tough Times.
March 27, 2019
Event Ag Victoria 'Managing the Autumn'
Jeanne Dekker presenting at Ag Victoria ‘Managing the Autumn’ series Workshop on Managing Tough Times.
March 28, 2019
Event Wimmera Machinery Field Days - Health & Lifestyle Assessments
Our farmer Health and Lifestyle Assessments are a 20-minute health assessment and include a lifestyle survey covering health behaviours, farm practices and...
March 5, 2019
Event Improving the Health of Agricultural Communities - PHN Session
A farmers’ health is their business! Injuries and poor farmer health can have a flow-on effect on the family, business and community. Knowing the...
March 13, 2019
Event Susan Brumby presenting at GRDC Moora
Susan Brumby will be presenting: Sustaining the farm family business: Your health is nonnegotiable. Critical self-help strategies for farming families. Susan...
February 14, 2019
Event Susan Brumby presenting at GRDC Lake Grace WA
Susan Brumby will be presenting: Sustaining the farm family business: Your health is nonnegotiable. Critical self-help strategies for farming families. Susan...
February 13, 2019
Event Susan Brumby presenting at GRDC Tambellup
Susan Brumby will be presenting: Sustaining the farm family business: Your health is nonnegotiable. Critical self-help strategies for farming families. Susan...
February 12, 2019
Event Mallee Sustainable Farming Research Updates
Guest Speaker Alison Kennedy will be presenting on the topic ‘Farmer Wellbeing in agriculture and managing stress’
February 21, 2019