News and Media

Page 38

2014-05-07 Health body faces axe - Farmers' Weekly
AN INNOVATIVE and highly successful farmers' health body will close this year if it does not receive government funding.
May 7, 2014
2014-05-07 Business drives - Stock and Land
The National Centre for Farmer Health will present on “Looking after the farmer" at the 2014 Grassland Society of Southern Australian conference in June.
May 7, 2014
2014-05-06 Food and agriculture seen as ‘great economic driver’...
However there looks to be no money for the National Centre for Farmer Health which desperately needs funding for its survival
May 6, 2014
2014-05-06 Ramsay calls for NCFH funding - Hamilton Spectator
A State Liberal MP has called on his Coalition colleagues in Canberra to find funding for Hamilton's National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH) in this month's...
May 6, 2014
2014-05-05 Nicole Chvastek speaks with Tam Phillips - ABC Vic...
Nicole Chvastek speaks with Tam Phillips, farmer and nurse about funding for the National Centre for Farmer Health
May 5, 2014
2014-05-05 Farmer's health body facing chop - The Age
An innovative and highly successful farmers' health body will close this year if it does not receive government funding.
May 5, 2014
2014-05-03 Libby Harricks Oration 2014
Following the 2014 Libby Harricks Memorial Oration, Brisbane and the National Deafness Sector Summit and XXXII World Audiology Congress. From left Lyndal...
May 3, 2014
2014-05-03 Ramsay backs calls for farmer health centre funding - The...
LIBERAL MP Simon Ramsay is the latest state politician calling on the Commonwealth to fund Hamilton’s National Centre for Farmer Health.
May 3, 2014
2013-06-22 Disbelief at centre closure - Hamilton Spectator
2013-06-22 Disbelief at centre closure-Hamilton Spectator [PDF 532mb]
May 1, 2014
2014-05-01 Farmer Health on the Agenda - Hamilton Spectator
State National MPs and delegates will be asked to back a motion that calls ...
May 1, 2014
2014-04-29 Federal Government urged to support the National Centre...
Federal Government urged to support the National Centre for Farmer Health in Hamilton [PDF 94kb] State Member for Western Victoria Simon Ramsay has called on...
May 1, 2014
2014-03-05 No support for National Centre for Farmer Health in...
No support for National Centre for Farmer Health in drought’s $10.7m social services funding (Source: The Weekly Times)
April 28, 2014