Farmer Health Shifts the Gears in Safety Resources for Young People

The National Centre for Farmer Health has launched Shifting Gears – a suite of engaging school-based resources designed to support secondary school teachers to incorporate farm safety education into Agricultural studies.

Officially launched at the recent Primary Industries Education Foundation’s Conference for agriculture educators on May 1-2, the content features stories from four diverse agricultural businesses and provides insight into ways safety plays a role in Agriculture today.  

Shifting Gears is designed for middle and senior school students who are living on farms, studying agriculture and horticulture, undertaking work experience, and/or interested in pursuing a career in this field. It delivers unique, unscripted farm safety audio visual (AV) material for an Australian farming context with documentary-style AVs and digital animations relatable to a young audience – shifting the learning outcomes beyond safety compliance and regulations.

Rural Bank’s Head of Agribusiness Development, Andrew Smith, says “we’re proud to support a program specifically tailored to our young and emerging farmers. The skills and information provided will help keep them safe on farm.

We know the importance of delivering messages in a relatable way is key to the uptake of learning, and believe that NCFH has been able to achieve this.”

Teachers will be provided with classroom materials that complement agriculture and horticulture subjects and the national skills program to bring safety into the conversation and demonstrate what agricultural injury means for families and communities.

Dr Alison Kennedy, Director of the National Centre for Farmer Health, says, “Shifting Gears is a unique program that fills a gap in the curriculum.” She said “This is an important step forward. Our aim is to empower young people to be part of creating a farm safety culture that encourages lifelong safe practices in farming.”

“Our team are proud to support educators in delivering farm safety education – and we look forward to seeing the positive impact of the program on students, their families and their communities.  Thanks to the support of Rural Bank, Shifting Gears videos will be freely accessible on our NCFH website and YouTube channel.”

The National Centre for Farmer Health is now calling on schools and educators nationally to register their interest in participating in the Shifting Gears pilot program. To be a part of this exciting new  program, please visit the National Centre for Farmer Health website

About the National Centre for Farmer Health:
The National Centre for Farmer Health is a partnership between Western District Health Service and Deakin University, with funding from the Australian Government. The Centre aims to improve the health, wellbeing, and safety of farmers, their families, and communities across Australia.

For more information about National Centre for Farmer Health visit

For media enquiries contact Dr Amity Latham, Associate Research Fellow (03) 5551 8533 or email:

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