Jodie Leske is a mum, business owner and farmer living in the Western District of Victoria, 259 kilometres west of Melbourne.
Like many women on the land, finding the time to look after her health is a constant challenge. Between juggling the usual daily demands of work and family, and on top of this, the distances needed to travel to some health services, Jodie’s health can take a back seat.
“It’s very easy to get caught up in being really busy getting the job done,” says Jodie. But Jodie acknowledges that her health and wellbeing are also really important, so she makes sure she finds time for herself. Whether it’s getting off the farm to see other people, doing some physical activity or finding down time. “It’s easy to get caught up, but it’s also important to stop.”
Jodie also knows her health is important not just to her, but her family and community. “With my health, I find if I’m not feeling right everyone feels it. It’s really important to look after yourself as well as everybody else around you.”