By Dairy News Australia
IF YOU are a farmer, or work anywhere in agriculture, you know, or know of, someone who has taken their life.
Suicide is incredibly tragic and in most cases preventable.
Too many families and friends of people who have killed themselves have had to survive the fallout.
The ripple effect of such a loss tears apart the fabric of families and communities.
Australia needs to turn the negative ripple of suicide and stigma into a tsunami of action and support, according to the National Centre for Farmer Health.
Which is why it is about to launch a website to learn what is happening, and how regional communities are thinking about suicide.
To be launched later this month, the Ripple Effect website will enable farmers to anonymously register and view other farmers’ stories of suicide, share their own insights and find out what they can do to support the wellbeing of others and themselves.
Article no longer available. 2016-06-20: New website tackles suicide taboo Written – Dairy News Australia