Make a difference to farmers’ lives
With State government funding, the highly successful and award winning Sustainable Farm Families™ (SFF™) programs are now available to farming communities across Victoria.
This program, the initiative of the National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH) being delivered in partnership with the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources and supporting health agencies, is specific to farm families addressing health, wellbeing and safety issues through a series of workshops.
NCFH is now calling for expressions of interest from health agencies, agricultural industry bodies and community groups to become involved in bringing the SFF™ program to their community in 2016-2017. Groups we have worked with include Landcare, CFA and United Dairy Farmers Victoria.
You will be working with an energetic and enthusiastic team based at the National Centre for Farmer Health eager to provide support to your organisation and farming community participating in the SFF™ program.
You can help make a difference to your farming community to stay healthy by submitting your interest now at www.farmerhealth.org.au/sustainable-farm-families/sff-programs or contact Tracey Hatherell, Program Coordinator on 5551 8588.