Members of the local Country Women’s Association (CWA) have raised $500 to show their support for the National Centre for Farmers Health (NCFH).
The vibrant group of young women from the Hamilton Evening Branch of the CWA organised a successful movie night in October last year and several members visited the NCFH this week to hear more about the Centre’s work.
Branch President Natalie Templeton said the CWA was keen to support the NCFH, which is currently seeking funding from State and Federal Governments to continue its work.
“Quite a few of our members are from farming backgrounds and we recognise the support the NCFH provides to our families”, she said.
“The Hamilton Evening Branch of the CWA provides opportunities for social interaction and to learn new skills. We also support local causes where we can”, Ms Templeton said.
The funds will be used to purchase a portable fridge / freezer for transporting samples collected during research and health assessments.
NCFH Director, Associate Professor Sue Brumby said:
“We are very grateful to the local support shown by the Hamilton Evening Branch CWA and look forward to utilising the portable freezer to improve the health and wellbeing of our farm men and women”.
If you would like to become a member of the CWA Hamilton Evening Branch please contact Natalie Templeton on 0439 336 970.
Caption: NCFH Director, Sue Brumby, Hamilton CWA Evening Branch President Natalie Templeton, Vice President, Yvette Morton and Treasurer, Tina Dunbabin, with NCFH Lecturer / Researcher Dr Jacquie Cotton.