What does a resilient community look like?

December 12, 2024 @ 1:00 pm 2:30 pm

Join research assistant and workshop facilitator, Kelly Barnes, for an online workshop with a difference and hear from some inspiring community leaders about just what makes a resilient community.

In this 90 minute ‘in conversation’, Kelly will lead an exploratory chat examining three unique community projects; hearing from the people who helped get them off the ground. They will reflect on the ingredients that create resilience in communities and share just how their project involvement has contributed to this in practical ways. Kelly – who is also a member of the Drought Ready Network Working Group will be joined by David Buttifant from Resilience Builders; Kelly Tapiolas from Upper Murray Family Care; and Teresa Mahood from Bass Coast Shire Council. Each speaker will tell you about their project and share the insights and lessons that they have taken away from their experiences.

This event is part of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation’s Drought Ready Network Leading and Learning online series.

Register here: https://rural-leaders-au.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqce-vqjkrGtzS0-mrnYkIcIQM266Qaf4Q