December 6, 2023 @ 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
AgriSafe™ is a free 90-minute health assessment tailored to farmers and completed by our agricultural health and medicine nurse Jeanne.
Jeanne delivers AgriSafe clinics at Harrow every month. Call or email her to book in! To book call Jeanne at 03 5551 8533, email agrisafe@wdhs.net, or book via the button below.
Address: Harrow Bush Nursing Centre, 24 Blair Street Harrow 3317
What’s involved?
Participating in an AgriClinicTM is easy – just book and invest 90 minutes of your time and have the following undertaken:
- Blood glucose testing
- Blood lipid testing
- Blood pressure
- Body mass index calculation
- Respiratory testing
- Hearing screening
- Skin examination
- Vision testing
- Urine testing
- Screening for agrichemical exposure (anticholinesterase)
- Fit testing of mask or respirator
- Occupational risk surveying and assessment
Prior to your appointment you will be encouraged to complete an occupational health history questionnaire to tailor your consultation to your requirements. Your AgriSafeTM Clinician will guide you through the tests, explain your results and provide information and education.