FH Admin

Page 58

2014-04-09 Rural groups want roads and rail announcements in...
Rural groups want roads and rail announcements in Victorian Budget (Source: The Weekly Times)
April 28, 2014
2014-04-24 National Centre for Farmer Health pleads for Budget funding
National Centre for Farmer Health pleads for Budget funding (Source: The Weekly Times)
April 28, 2014
Libby Harricks Memorial Oration
The 2014 Libby Harricks Memorial Oration will be delivered by Clinical Associate Professor Susan Brumby at 4pm Saturday 3 May at the Brisbane Convention &...
April 14, 2014
2014-03-29 Workshops provide valuable information for farmers -...
2014-03-29 Workshops provide valuable information for farmers – Hamilton Spectator
April 3, 2014
Women Towards Sustainability E-Leaders Program
The National Rural Women’s Coalition is currently calling for applications from women who are working as primary producers or working in the area of...
March 31, 2014
2013-11-14 Victorian Farmers Federation supports National Centre for...
The partnership between the National Centre for Farmer Health (NCFH) and the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF), Victoria’s peak farmer lobby group, builds...
March 28, 2014
2013-09-06 Agricultural Health and Medicine 2014 ENROLMENTS NOW OPEN!
Agricultural Health and Medicine 2014 ENROLMENTS NOW OPEN! Scholarships available Cross – Sector collaboration CAN make a difference to farming...
March 28, 2014
2013-10-09 Free health checks at Warwick campdraft and rodeo
A unique partnership between the National Centre for Farmer Health, Queensland Rural Medical Education and Medicare Local – Darling Downs South West...
March 28, 2014
2013-06-29 Helping farming families affected by a traumatic death
2013-06-29 Helping farming families affected by a traumatic death [PDF 245kb]
March 28, 2014
2013-06-18 SFF forced to shut down after decade of unmatched success
SFF forced to shut down after decade of unmatched success
March 28, 2014
2013-06-14 Make a difference to the health of your farming community...
APPLY NOW! MID-YEAR Enrolments close 7th July 2013 Health, safety and wellbeing are essential for productivity in primary industries and agribusiness. HMF702...
March 28, 2014
2013-05-01 Healthy and Sustainable Agricultural Communities:...
Rural professionals (health, policy and agriculture) are the vital link that enable farming communities to achieve better health and sustainability. Health,...
March 28, 2014